Surely the biggest project I have ever worked on, as the sole artist I created Character Designs, 3D Models, Textures, Rigs, Animations, Logo, level concepts, props, ads and key art. Also wrote and did the voice over in the final adverstising piece. The biggest learning experience of my professional life. The game production has been intererrupted, but the Alpha version is still available to play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bl.bbb&hl=en&gl=US
Certamente o maior projeto que eu trabalhei, como um artista solo eu criei Designs de personagens, modelos 3D, Texturas, Rigs, Animações, Logotipo, conceito de ambientes e fases, props e artes promocionais. Eu também escrevi e fiz a narração do vídeo publicitário final. A produção foi interrompida, mas o jogo ainda está disponível para jogar na versão Alpha: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bl.bbb&hl=en&gl=US
30" Video Ad, introduction animated in After Affects, also did the voice over and wrote the copy, edited final version.